Kookie's Stuff

Kookie's pages : Instagram mtpview/ <> FB princespuppydog

Saturday, February 4, 2023

2023 02


Once up on a time my kid came knocking at my door with a puppy

 I didnt want but soon as I held her I loved her.. when I lost her I couldnt stand it so got another to save me.. 

big dog in this video, called her puppydog 

Same story but that time b4 I lost her I got another to save me, little pup here.. Kookie pulling PuppyDog's tail.

 Just found out she has the same thing don't know how long but as long is I can I will bring her for pets.. 

Don't think I will be tough enough to take on another baby.


Kookie has had a little limp so I got the energy to take her to the vet today. That cost $450 and if I want other specalist to look at the x-rays that will be $150 more

To do a biopsy that will cost between $1400 and $1700 .. just to determine if the mass is deadly I guess.

Another possible option is to have her leg cut off,, I won't go there don't think I could take care of her , no pets from the park dwellers.

I lost two other pups with the same stuff before Kookie .. just waiting for the end.. Guess she will be my last pup ..

Supposed to be nice the 29th .. I will try to take her up mt p once again.. she is not supposed to jump in and out ot of the truck.. 

They had her bonked out and when I got her home she was crying .. that never happened before.
Fingers crossed dont wanna try to hold on so long this time.


A couple days ago I drove over to the fairgrounds, so cold n windy n I was this guy pushing a buggy... bet a puppy was in it ?


One guy was gonna get a pic here n I got a pic of all of em instead.


Saw a girl sitting on the rock, nice shot but didnt get to tell her.


So warm lots of people n their pups on top


Saw a girl taking pics of this little family n talked to her a bit n talked about flash.. I did one of her but it was so windy n hair blowing so I did a merge in this pic also to include her


So many have had their pic taken in this tree over the years. Because the clouds softened the shadows it came out great .. best one for me.


Sun was a yellow glow then I noticed in the back ground both sides.. thinking πŸ˜‹#risingpark

Thinking Mick must of had something in her eye n Austin was inspecting.. πŸ˜™#risingpark

A fun thought of Annie coming over the ridge with a pup, like the first time I saw her mom.

Got to see Austin n the Mick to capture this pic.. first time I saw her doing pics on mt p
.. .. 7 years later, that is Anna (Mick's little girl)  with the camera in her hand.. waving it around n just got to see the video she took of Kookie with her ears blowing in the wind



Last pic of the night 2/23/2023



Did the taxes so I stopped bu

I was gonna go out and take some pics with the big telephoto.. until I came upstairs and went out.

The wind is wild and it will be cold too.. hair flying every where.
I hope to continue coming out to Mt Pleasant  at least till june if you r on top when I am in the fairgrounds.

The reason I don't spend a bunch of time below is because by the time I get to the top people are gone and wont be able to copy the pics.

If you find a nice afternoon for such a photo, gotta tell me in advance



Had to go to walmart so I took the camear, didnt take the telephoto but took a couple pics of people on top in case they find this pic per chance

Just got this one of this guy n took a pic of em together with their camera.


With lots of moster in the air n the sun coming in sunflare you can see how I tried different settings


Waiting for the sky to get right n talked these guys into a couple pics n did a couple with their cameras in case I goofed up 


Took a pic of Kookie's pal here and her daughter


Girls in the hammock


A pertty good shot of all these guys but in this shot someone's hair was blowing in their face so I worked on that .. #risingpark
First I took the pic of these pups sitting here but with me higher the sky could not be in the pic so I got em to stand up for a couple and used their camera too.


I was fooling with time lapse n got these guys to experiment a bit... got the girls too but those shots were over exposed..

One more day on the big bump :)



Such a nice day to go to the dungeon today and thought perfect for a trip to Old Man's cave.. started looking for some truck parts.. later n later n too late .. ugh so I wasted a day I can never get back.

Looking out the window wishing I was on Mt P n took the camera out to delete stuff and try different settings.

Kookie wouldn't be good trying to play n bite me, finally I got a couple pics with her.. waiting for the fireflies to return one more season.
In our lightling bug observation tower watching faded colors filtered through the branches.
I will go to Old Man's cave this week end I guess.
NOT #risingpark 


I thought there would be more on Mt P. I did an event page saying all singles should go up n meet others.. that made me "the host" n thought I guess the host should go to the event.

This pic was the last time I was here, just forgot to post it.


First pics on the 14th I didn't get on top to find these guys so if u know em, they can copy their pic... me n Kookie in the fairgrounds parking lot with the big teley


When we got out I spotted a couple walking our way n thought I would get a refelection but I saw these guys first. The girl works for the park n knew who me n Kookie r πŸ˜ƒ


There was stuff in the pond, it was overcast but wanted to get a valentines pic with a couple then they wanted to give Kookie some pets


Everything so drab because it was overcast so I jacked up the color saturation but when it is overcast there is less contrast n I didn't need to do a lot fixing my mug


Some kind of stuff the kids were doing in the sand


I forgot to put the pentax on auto focus but this one of me n Kookie came out ok.

No one coming down to our end and I saw a couple putting their phone camera on the ground with the timer trying to get a pic.. n I got to come to their rescue, felt like dudley do right saving em πŸ˜‹

Before leaving I did pics of another couple with their camera.


Remember the Pentax was on manual focus. I can not see anything close up so I don't see what I took till I get home but the close up was ok and I photo shopped em up on the ledge where I took their pic... AND a very good thing I did was to take their pic with their camera also .. whew 😜



Kookie is so happy when I pick up the key n barks all the way to town.
When ever it is warm enough n no wet stuff I drive the truck or Jeep, she loves it


I didn't take the big telephoto or the tripod, just hand held these a bit shakey if u know any of these guys tell em so they can copy em.


I think these are the girls pic I took with their camera on top ?


I did a pic of these guys in the magic tree.


Kookie got pets and I took pics of some others with their cameras. These guys go to this church I took several with the big telephoto HERE 



Here is my modeling rock for Kookie

First time these guys were on Mt P n I got to do their picnic pic.

Someone had a ceremony of some kind and left ballons I experimented with different lighting .. if u know who had the event .. thank em :)

I saw these guys just walking around a bit n thought there should be a pic for em

I did this pic of me n Kookie then asked a pup to do the other one, that I used effects on

My photographers :)

These guys wanted to give Kookie some pets n then I took their pic :)

The last pups I got to capture n gave pets to Kookie.

Some just start out early in school and hook up with a side kick. Some did but are not attached at the present, some just never got around to it yet. BUT the wish of having a side kick is in all of us through out our lives, 
I thought what if... couples would just come up on Mt P with all their single friends on Valentines day n take in the sunset. 
I posted an event on facebook 
Mt Pleasant the 14th singles Valentine's day


Got stuff finished in the dungeon n was gonna go for an advanced nap but saw how warm it was gonna be n put Kookie in for the ride to Mt P.
I wasnt gonna take a camera in but it grabbed me on the way out the door,
When there is no one to ask I goof off with pics of Kookie n 'artistic stuff'


Some thing I never noticed before. Guess it could come in handy I have seen the fire department on top a couple times

AED  ( An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a medical device designed to analyze the heart rhythm and deliver an electric shock to victims of ventricular fibrillation to restore the heart rhythm to normal. Ventricular fibrillation is the uncoordinated heart rhythm most often responsible for sudden cardiac arrest.)

I'll bet the fire dept makes lots of runs here n police too. 


Pics of footprints n mud puddles .. if some famous artist did it, it would sell for thousands πŸ˜‹


Names don't make me move much but photographs do.
There are many names n memorials in the park n I thought what if.. instead of just names, what if there were a link to a little bio of those remembered 



Finally I captured a good pic of Luke riding his bike up the trail..  #risingpark

Gotta take a pic of these guys picnic.. 😊 #risingpark

Kookie getting pets. I put the buzzer on her n she was a good girl all the time.. just gave a couple slobbers  #risingpark

Got these pups to come down to post 32. Overcast I avoid the sky and being a bit higher here I can capture the fairgrounds below.. 
If a nice sky ...I tip the camera up to include it. #risingpark



First time we made it to Mt P this month. I had to get Kookie's pills, with out em .. well it is scary .. just try not to mix up hers n mine. Planned to come back later so we would make it b4 everyone left.

On this day this is where we were in the solar system and standing on the red pin on the map.


After I came down we drove over to the fairgrounds n took a pic of Mt P, The moon was here but I made it larger,, worked on the pic of me and the pic of Kookie was when we got home.

She is so excited to go in town n wound up but when she gets home she bonks out

#risingparkThe moon comes up on the left but climbs high in the sky  later


The last pups I got to take a pic of, they asked if there was a less crowed place, didnt think but maybe alley park 

Saw these guys running around n thought they need a group pic, did one with their camera too so they were not back lit.. just about right but one of em turned away so I transplanted their face from the other pic.


Wind blowing n hair every where, this is the best pic I captured of these pals.


I saw a mousy little girl n thought I have seen her br n asked if I had taking her pic... duh yep it was Tessa.. she looks different so cute πŸ˜‹


Wonder what the kids were up to with the sticks.


Coming up I was gonna put on sun glasses but didn't looking to the sun so bright I saw these guys coming down, nor until I stopped em did I remember it was the family I have taken pics of b4 .. so nice n friendly #risingpark

These guys were running up n down the trail n shorts 😊#risingpark

As soon as we got on the trail this guy asked if I had taken his pic br then if I would take a pic of em.. when your camera is warm and you put it in the cold sometimes it will steam up so I did some practice pics, reset the defaults and tried to think of an ok background.. :)


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