Kookie's Stuff

Kookie's pages : Instagram mtpview/ <> FB princespuppydog

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

2023 08


Kookie's last chapter https://kookiepuppy.blogspot.com/2023/08/story-ending.html

After losing Kookie I am unlikely to make it to the top of Mt P often if any time at all. If you r looking for a pic I had taken, I will try to find it.. thanks to all u guys who wrestled with Kookie n endured being slimed . 😋


I have only been going to town to get something or when Kookie goes to the carport trying to get in for a ride.. did get a couple from the fairgrounds and driving through the park

Through the years I have taken and deleted thousands of pics never to be seen but thinking great thoughts, for over a week this web is in my doorway .. getting bigger.. plans to capture me 😌

If mice n bugs would not bother me, the house is big enough for all of us.. but they r not nice neighbors

Didnt take the telephoto just a shot of pups playing on mt p

In cutoffs n Kookie with the scary leg we just drove through the park ... something comforting in the interaction of the humans ... happy stuff

Took a couple pics of the two fishing, the tree blocking one of em so I drove ahead a bit to get this one. .. Thoughts of a pic I took of a little girl n her dad many years ago.. wondering 

Seeing the couple holding hands n walking through the park driving along .. so charming.

I love to tell people about taking their pic so they can copy it, but never know .. will they think I am spying on em .. what do the many think.. some like them bunches n keep them in their phones.

In my imagination, people finding pics of themselves or someone close to them years later with delight.


Running out of stuff so we went on a Kroger run.. but first we stopped at the park.

This is the big old tree that fell n I talked a pumpkin into doing pics of me n Kookie. I have been wearing this hat to keep my hair out of my eyes n forgot to take it off.. but the glasses helped hide the eyes 😋

Just took the old 7mp Sony, didnt think there would be much of a chance of taking shots.. 

We sat on the bank about 50 yards from the trail, making account of the park dwellers n these girls told me I had taken their pic b4 and found it, so of course I had to ask em for another pic for my photo safari ðŸ˜‰



Hope it will be the end of visits for a while but it gave us an excuse to stop .. Kookie was so excited I let her head up the path just went to the second stone bench n captured her mountain climbing

A guy came by n I took a pic of him with Kookie then he asked me if I would take a pic of em with his camera. Saw a black feather but didn't pick it up to save for anyone .. 
Visits with a vet .. $50 kind of just for em to come n the room for a bit.. but holding on .. 

Never hoped me n Kookie would still be visiting the park.. but surprise

Gotta take Kookie to the vet tomorrow at 3:00 so I tried to clean her up a bit and blow dried her n the back of the truck.. must have a good reason to go to town.

The other day I saw the sun being a big orange ball and took a pic of it in my review mirror.. then I stopped to gas up n saw these guys n tried to get em with the sun behind em.. a bit late but the guy told me I had taken pics of em on Mt P :)

I get to take pics of puppies, families, cute girls n lots of stuff but one of my best is when I get to take pics I believe will be special.

I saw this guy headed for the big tree stump of the fallen tree n his side kick was gonna take pics of em...

I had a better idea, both of em get on the stump and I would capture both.. I did with their camera and mine.

She told me she had stage 4 cancer .. me thinking this might be a special memory.
Then she wanted to give Kookie some pets, never saw her yet n I told her about her leg.. (said she would pray for her)

These girls walked by and knew me, said I had taken her pic on Mt P b4 n I captured this pic of em :)
Sitting on the bank a bit from the trail I did a couple selfies of us.. saying last year.. after this bd I would quit exercising and eat.. OD on Ho hos 

Not gaining much so far but just not much gumption .. not a lot of reason.

I have learned some safety tips on the way home. Ice cream sandwiches are dangerous..I heard a honk.. scared me, guess I honked the horn taking the wrapper off.

 Trying to get the paper off them, steering with your knee. Coming out the highway with no one on the road, 

One snack I would recommend is Kit Cats in the safety bag. They are bite size unwrapped. Once the bag is opened, you just gobble em down.

Lots of pups n their humans in the park out for a walk. Kookie has such an aggressive bark with other dogs n some people must be protective of their babies.. if they only knew.. a couple minutes nose to nose she would love em


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